Cairo: An altercation occurred between the minster Sameh Fahmi, Minister of Petroleum and Dr. Hassan Younis, Minister of Electricity, in the garden of the headquarters of the Republic building ,and after their meeting with President Hosni MubarakPresident Hosni Mubarak on Saturday morning.
The problem emerged when Dr. Yunus, the Minister of Electricity objected to the Minister Sameh Fahmi, Minister of Petroleum ,who has reduced the proportion of gas that is used in power generation and so it caused to cut the electricty on the people in all the egyptian cities.
In fact the problem raised in the minds of the Egyptian , the case against exporting the gas into Israel ,because the amount of it , is just enough for the citizens' usage. While the Egyptian government from its side insists to give Israel the gas and even with a price less than the normal price that's is used around world .
The matter that led to explode the egyptians anger and most of them complained of the worng decision which the egyptian government took . And for this reason, now the people have to face the lack of wheat, water and the electricty .
Returning to the case of the Gas exporting, an economic professor said to me unless Egypt cuts its exporting of gas into Israel , Egypt will have to buy the gas from other countries and now with the international price. The something that will add a heavy amount on the government's budget with at least 5 billion Egyptian pounds . And it considers a great loss for Egypt . Not only that , the lack of Gas could push the Egyptian citizens to a Revolution of anger and especially with the crisis of flour, water and electricity cutting.
أن تعيش فى سلام مع نفسك ،مع عائلتك مع زملائك فى الدراسةأو العمل ،مع جيرانك ومجتمعك والمجتمعات التى تحيط بك هو هدف كبير .لنصل إليه نريد المشاركة والحب فى الإنضمام إلى قائمة المدونين الساعين لنشر السلام المرهون
السبت، 21 أغسطس 2010
السبت، 14 أغسطس 2010
Iran and Turkey will supply Hezbollah with weapons
According to some satellite news channels , said that Iran and Turkey are tending to provide Hezbollah in Lebanon with weapons for the resistance or if the party was subjected and attacked by Israel.
The decision came despite the refusal of some forces of the Lebanese parties who refuse the presence of Hezbollah Army and they are calling for the disarmament of weapon of the party .
This is because they believe that the presence of an armed party is hurting the prestige of the country .As there mustn't be two armies of one nation or an army within an army or a country within another country.
But from the side of Hezboallah , they think that they have the right to own their own army , as they resist the Zionist enemy and defend their land that is being targeted by Israel .
It is important to notice that both Iran and Turkey don't confirmed this news officially.
The decision came despite the refusal of some forces of the Lebanese parties who refuse the presence of Hezbollah Army and they are calling for the disarmament of weapon of the party .
This is because they believe that the presence of an armed party is hurting the prestige of the country .As there mustn't be two armies of one nation or an army within an army or a country within another country.
But from the side of Hezboallah , they think that they have the right to own their own army , as they resist the Zionist enemy and defend their land that is being targeted by Israel .
It is important to notice that both Iran and Turkey don't confirmed this news officially.
الجمعة، 13 أغسطس 2010
إيران وتركيا تمدان حزب الله بالسلاح
فى خبر تناولته وسائل الاعلام المختلفة صرح مسئوولين من كلا الدولتين بايران و تركيا عن نيتهما لامداد حزب الله فى لبنان بالسلاح وهذا للخطر الذى تواجه لبنان وحزب الله من الهجمات الاسرائلية ، قد يبدوا الخبر جيدا لو لم يمكن هناك أطراف لبنانية كبيرة اثارها هذا الخبر كثيرا ،الامر الذى يمكن ان ينتج عنه نزاعات طائفية لا حاجة لها . فتلك الاحزاب ترى انه من الضرورى نزع سلاح حزب الله وانه يجب ان ينضم للجيش اللبنانى فلا يجب بحال ان يكون هناك جييشين فى دولة واحدة وهذا شىء يخالف كل القواعد المتعارف عليها فى معنى سيادة الدولة ، ليس هذا فقط بل ان هذه الاطراف ذاتهاابدت قلقها الكبير من استخدام حزب الله لسلاحه داخليا وهذا ما يمكن أن يعرض الامن القومى اللبنانى للخطر . أيا كانت أسباب رفض تلك الاطراف فلا احد ينكر ابدا ان حزب الله بالفعل مزود باحدث واقوى الاسلحة بل أنه يتفوق فى قدرته العسكرية من حيث الامكانيات والتدريبات على الجيش اللبنانى . ليس هذا فقط بل ان جيش حزب الله له استراتيجة واضحة ومدارس ينتهج تعليماتها ، لهذا فهو من الصعوبة وخاصة فى الوقت الراهن ان يتم نزع السلاح أو حتى الحديث حول هذا الموضوع وما يؤكد هذا هو ان هناك اطراف لبنانية اخرى أكدت موافقتها على بقاء جيش حزب الله وخاصة بعد الهجمات الاسرائلية والانتهكات المتعددة التى تقوم بها من وقت لآخرو لأن جيش حزب الله هوالاقوى فى جناح النسر الشرقى . لكن من وجهة نظرى مازلت على رأيي أن ربما تستطيع إيران إمداد حزب الله بالسلاح لكن أن تفعل تركيا هذا فهو شىء مستبعد . خاصة وأنها تلعب بجميع الأوراق فى سبيل انضمامها للاتحاد الاوروبى وإن لم تحصل على هذا فلا بأس باستراد الخلافة العثمانية التى انهارت منذ قرنين ولا ننسى ابدا أن حزب العدالة الحاكم كان من أهم أهدافه فى بداية انشائه هو إعادة الدولة العثمانية والخلافة وجاء الحزب بصورة جديدة أمام جمهور الإعلام لكن النشاط و الأهداف واحدة ، وهذا بالنسبة لى كشخص متابع أرى ان كل ما تفعله تركيا ليس اكثر من وسيلة لجذب العقول العربية النائمة حتى يتسنى لها الانقضاض على العالم العربى تماما كما فعل أبناء عثمان حينما احتلوا الدول العربية بادعاء الإسلام و الأسلمة ولم تكن الحقيقة سوى وجه قبيح قبح صورة الوطن العربى و بسببهم تخلف المواطن وانطفىء نوره و غزا الغرب بلادنا وعشنا تحت استعمار وذل وتحقير الى يومنا هذا . لذا من يريد أن يصدق الدور التركى يجب أن يذهب ويقراء التاريخ وقبلها على تركيا أن تعتذر عن حقبة استعمارها للدول العربية أولا و تبدى حسن نيتها نحو علاقة طيبة مع العرب ليس فيها خليفة فى عصر ليس به خلفاء
الجمعة، 6 أغسطس 2010
Abd Al- Muti Bayoumi: Muslims are the cause of The Crisis of Islam
Egypt is not a secular but also its not religious .
By these words Dr Abd Al-Muti Bayoumi opened his speech with the students of Egyptian universities and the sons of the Islamic world at Camp of Abu keer Area in Alexandria.
Dr. Abdel Muti Bayoumi , the professor at Al-azhar University and member of the Islamic Research Academy,said that Islam is in crisis that prevents its progress , And the West nor the orientalists has not relation with this problem . But indeed the Muslims are the first obstacle .
Because They do not have a true vision of Islam until today. In addition , they are suffering from the loss of human rights to have real freedom and democracy, of speech and thought as well as women's rights. Pointing to the failure of Al -Azhar . Although that he hopes of some signs that could improve of its role.
Bayoumi confirmed that the remains of intolerance that are found in some western politicians and media men ,are no longer effective and the evidence of that fact , Islam is the second religion in France, England and Belgium .
He pointed out That Egypt is not a secular country, because it interferes in religious matters, but also it is not a religious country because it is not governed by the clergy. While Egypt still at the stage of search for its identity and theories, economic, political and social view.
Bayoumi said that , this days in our modern life , there is no control over the religious ideas , as also Al-Azhar can not confiscate any book .
In another point Bayoumi demanded to read Al-Koran and the prophet saying with a development view , pointing out that our time is not a judge of Islam and the the rigidity of Muslim scholars in thinking in the texts of the holly Quran , is the reason behind the westerner's misunderstand of Islam.
At the end he confirmed with the right of women to be a president of the republic and to be a judge. And Muslims must try to understand the saying of Prophet Muhamed rightly
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